Understanding the Impact of Home Upgrades And How It Can Impact Your Insurance Rates

When you make improvements to your home, it not only increases its value but also can make it safer and more resilient. For instance, upgrading your electrical system or installing a new roof reduces the likelihood of damage, which in turn lowers the risk for your insurance provider. This reduced risk often translates into lower […]

Understanding Deductibles: A Guide for California Policyholders

Deductibles play a pivotal role in determining how much you’ll have to pay out of pocket in the event of a claim, and they can significantly impact your financial stability. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss into the intricacies of deductibles, helping you make informed decisions about your insurance coverage. What is a Deductible? A […]

The Impact of Severity of Losses on California Insurance Rates

California has seen an unprecedented increase in insurance rates due to the severity of losses in both home and auto insurance. Insurance companies are struggling to keep up with the rising costs and are either exiting the market or putting bind blocks in place to slow down new business. In this post, we will take […]